
IRIA-Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Radiology, Volume III: Chest and Cardiovascular System By Amarnath C and Hemant Patel

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IRIA-Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Radiology, Volume III: Chest and Cardiovascular System By Amarnath C and Hemant Patel
ISBN : 9788131263617
Publisher : Elsevier

Availability: 1 in stock

Comprehensive textbook of Clinical Radiology is a fully integrated illustrated textbook of radiology to cater for residents and pracsing radiologists. It is a one-stop soluon for all academic needs in radiology. It helps radiologists as a single reference book to gain complete knowledge instead of referring to mulple resources. More than 500 remarkable authors, who are recognized experts in their subspeciality, have contributed to this book. To meet the expectaons of clinical radiologists, thorough clinical experse and familiarity with all the imaging modalies appropriate to address their clinical quesons are necessary, regardless of one’s favoured subspeciality. To keep the content relevant to them, we have tried to stay upgraded to their level. This book comprises six volumes, which gives informaon on Radiological Anatomy, Embryology, Nomogram, Normal Variants, Physics, Imaging Techniques, and all the aspects of Diagnosc Radiology including Neuroradiology, Head and Neck, Chest and CVS, Abdomen, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Breast, Musculoskeletal and Mulsystem Disorders & related Intervenonal techniques. It will serve as a primary reference for residents and subspeciality trainees and fellows to facilitate their learning in preparaon for their examinaon, and also the consultant radiologists in their daily clinical pracce.


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